TubeSpanner Feature Focus: AI Title Inspiration

Set Your Creativity Free with TubeSpanner's AI Title Inspiration Tool

Your video title can make the difference between a person watching your video or finding something else. If viewers can’t tell what your video is about based on the title and thumbnail, they’ll probably avoid clicking.


Make sure your video isn’t the one they scroll past.


What is TubeSpanner's AI Inspiration Tool?


Our AI Title Inspiration Tool is here to help you find the perfect title for your YouTube video. We’ll get you started. All you need to do is enter what the video is about, who your target audience is and your video niche. We will do the rest!




We asked our Title Inspiration tool to create a title for a video about ‘Creating the best titles for YouTube videos.’ We said our target audience was YouTubers and content creators and our niche was how-to videos.


Here’s what it came up with:     

TubeSpanner's AI Title Inspiration Tool


How to Use TubeSpanner to Grow Your YouTube Channel    

What are the benefits of using TubeSpanner's Title Inspiration Tool?




If you can't get your head around keywords or analytics, this tool might be the ticket to getting more video views. If keyword research isn’t your strength, consider your SEO woes a thing of the past.


If you find it hard to come up with video titles that rank well in search, this will help! 


Writer's Block Who?


When words aren’t flowing freely it can be incredibly frustrating. Sometimes not even a quick walk, meditation, snack, dance break (or any other suggested activities) will help break writer’s block.


This is where our AI Title Inspiration tool comes in. Coming up with a video title can be the hardest part of creating content! We know what it’s like. After all your hard work writing, filming, editing and getting a video ready to go live, you want to make sure the title delivers.


Click Through Woohoo!


Picture this, you’re looking through YouTube and see a video, the thumbnail looks great and you consider clicking. However, you read the title and you’re instantly confused. Things don’t match up, and it doesn’t really make sense. 


This is the reality for a lot of videos. Having a title that’s too long, not relevant, hard to read or even full of caps or emojis means that the video is less likely to get clicked.     


Boost Your Channel with TubeSpanner


Tips for Creating the Perfect YouTube Video Title:    

  1. Use TubeSpanner’s AI Title Inspiration tool - you don’t have to use it word-for-word, but it’s a great place to kickstart your inspiration. Edit, tweak and change things up to create the perfect title for your video.       
  2. Keep it concise - long titles are hard to read. Limit them to around 60-70 characters.       
  3. Be clear - what is your video about? Make sure your title reflects that.        
  4. Don’t be scared to experiment - if you can see your video isn’t performing too well, tweak the title. Use YouTube analytics to track performance and try different things. 


Find it hard to come up with titles for your YouTube videos? Why not give TubeSpanner a try? Not a member? Check out our memberships and pick the one that works best for you!